Kabul: At least three persons were killed and 13 injured in an explosion in the main US and NATO base in Afghanistan's Parwan province on Saturday, the NATO-led Resolute Support said.

Reportedly,  Zabiullah Mujahid, a purported Taliban spokesman has claimed responsibility for the security breach who detonated an explosive device on Bagram Airfield.

The attack was part of the insurgent's yearly rebel offensive, he said in a tweet.

Four Afghan security forces and three militants were killed and more than 130 residents wounded in a Taliban suicide truck bombing and ensuing gunfight against German Consulate office in northern Mazar-e-Sharif city on Thursday night.

"There was an explosion at Bagram Airfield this morning. There have been casualties," Xinhua news agency cited a statement as saying. Our force protection and medical teams are responding to the situation, the statement read.

According to media reports, the identity of those killed is not known yet but is being suspected that the attackers was one of the Afghan labourers working at the base. The labourer was actually a suicide bomber who blew himself up in the NATO Base. The explosion was a powerful one.

The Bagram Airfield, around 50 km north of Kabul, has been serving as a main US military base in Afghanistan over the past 15 years.

More than 13,000 NATO-led Resolute Support mission, with majority of them Americans, are stationed in Afghanistan following the end of the combat mission of the alliance forces in the war-torn country in late 2014.