New Delhi: In what can be termed as a crackdown on Pakistan’s TV industry, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has stated that TV channels will refrain from showing “intimate moments between couples” or “bed scenes”. The media regulators of the conservative country said that too much of feminist content and bold themes may offend viewers.

PEMRA issued its warning on Tuesday as it called on channels to respect the country’s existing media guidelines and refrain from airing content that does not depict a “picture of true Pakistani society”.  The body said that it has been receiving massive public complaints due to the prevalent trend of airing bold themes in Pakistani drama. The authority has cracked down on content with indecent scenes, dialogues, extramarital relations, violence, inappropriate dressing, rape scenes, caressing, bed scenes, use of drugs alcohol and intimate moments between couple. It said such scenes are in disregard to Pakistani culture and values.

As per media reports, Pakistani dramas and soap operas, are increasingly challenging  the deeply patriarchal setup of the country and the existing conservative taboos. The recent Pakistani operas seek to attack social issues like domestic violence, child abuse, misogyny and are laying extra emphasis on portrayal of women empowerment.  These are being hailed as medium of change at grassroot level.

Last year, a soap-opera revolving around the life of a social media star Qandeel Baloch- who was infamous for her provocative selfies, until her murder by her brother in 2016- became one of the highly acclaimed shows of the country.

Other shows that highlight the social issues like honour killing, forced marriages also went o to top the charts.