New Delhi: Somalia’s capital Mogadishu reeled with two car bombings on Sunday . One exploded near the country’s parliament headquarters, while other had exploded outside the capital a few hours ago.

At least four people along with the driver have been killed and several others have been injured in the explosion that took place near the parliament headquarters,  The presidential palace is reportedly just 200 yards away from the explosion site.  The security of the area has been beefed up with intermittent check points erected along a road leading to the presidential palace. The car-bomb was detonated at one of the check points when soldiers stopped a suspicious vehicle. Two soldiers have been killed in the process and 10 rickshaw drivers have been wounded.

The capital had been jolted with another car-bomb just a few hours earlier that took place outside the capital, killing one civilian and a driver.  The explosion took place after the solders came to inspect a suspicious car stuck on a sandy road in Sinka Dheer area.

Three days ago, in a similar incident at least 14 people were killed after a car exploded near a hotel.

As per the reports, Mogadishu is at the constant target of attacks by the Somalia –based extremist group al-Shabab.