External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar noted on Monday, in an apparent dig at Pakistan, that the impacts of cross-border terrorism cannot be limited within a region, especially when they are deeply linked to the drugs and illegal weapons trade, as well as other forms of international crime.

His comments occurred during a press conference with his Austrian counterpart, Alexander Schallenberg.

Jaishankar said they had an open and productive discussion on a range of regional and global situations and by and large, the approaches of both the nations are similar, "though obviously we are located in different regions and we have our particular compulsions," according to a report by news agency PTI. 

He stated that they had a lengthy discussion about the risks to international peace and security presented by terrorism, particularly its cross-border tactics, violent extremism, radicalization, and fundamentalism, as per the report. 

The impacts of terrorism, Jaishankar warned, cannot be limited inside a territory, especially so when they are "deeply connected to narcotics and illegal weapons trade and other forms of international crimes," the report said. 

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"Because the epicentre (of terrorism) is so close to India, our experiences and insights are naturally valuable to others," the minister added, without mentioning any countries.

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Jaishankar is on the second leg of his two-nation tour, having landed in Vienna, the capital of Austria from Cyprus.

(With Inputs From Agencies)