New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 2-year-old child died from a self-inflicted gun-shot in Houston after finding an open gun lying inside the house even though his parents were at home.
As per reports, police confirmed that the toddler has died a day after he was admitted in hospital. As per police, prima facie it appears that the kid shot himself dead on finding an unguarded loaded gun.
The incident took place in northwest Houston on Sunday afternoon.
As per reports the police is trying to put the pieces together after the finding but they believe that the boy found the loaded gun unsecured and pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger.
The child was pronounced dead at Texas Children's Hospital.
After initial investigation, police found a 9 mm pistol on a couch in the home's living room. He says the boy's parents were home at the time of the shooting, and that an investigation is underway to determine whether any charges should be filed.
The incident is being viewed as a lesson against negligence for parents across globe.