New Delhi: In what can be termed as a retaliatory response to the combined airstrikes on Syria by US, UK and France collectively, Russia has issued a world war alert among its citizens.

A state-owned Russian channel that goes by the name Russia 24, alerted its viewers of third world-war like situation and has advised people to collect food-items and iodine in bunkers, so that they can evade the dangers of radiations.

In the US- UK -France-led airstrikes on Syria on Saturday, at least a 100 missiles were launched on the capital city of Damascus.

Syria claims to have intercepted more than a dozen of air missiles

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is highly peeved at the airstrikes, said that while the investigations of the alleged chemical attacks were going on, airstrikes should not have taken place. Russia has warned that the attack may trigger a war.

Trump said that if needed airstrikes will be launched again.

The biggest airstrike on Syria by US, UK and France combinedly, has led to mulling that it may trigger the third-world war.

The missiles were launched at the powerhouses of the Syrian regime under President Bashar al-Assad and the attack has once again brought the two powerful countries US-Russia, face to face, creating war-like situation.

The focus of the attack was the government chemical weapons' sites, as per the reports.

The Pentagon has called the attacks as "precise and overwhelming" which was successful in eliminating three of the chemical weapon facilities.

“A few hours ago I ordered precision strikes on targets associated with chemical weapons capabilities of Syrian dictator Bashar al- Assad.” Said US President Donald Trump.

The attack had come as a counter-strike to the recent chemical attack in Douma, Syria, where more than 70 civilians including women and children were killed after they were exposed to a deadly chemical agent. The attack was alleged to be carried out by Asad’s regime - a claim that Syria has denied vehemently.

The escalating tensions have reached to an extent that an emergency meeting of United Nations Security Council had to be called.

The UN Security Council however rejected a Russian resolution calling for condemnation of "aggression" by the United States, United Kingdom and France against Syria.

Russia's demand for condemnation and an immediate halt to "aggression" and "any further use of force" by the three Western allies was supported by only two of the 15 countries who are the members Security Council - China and Bolivia.

It is pertinent to note that in the ongoing civil war that is now a seven-year-old tension in Syria; as many as 3 lakh people have been killed. The Syrian government under President Bashar al-Assad is grappling with its regions held by anti-government rebel forces and by Islamic  State .

Syria has largely become a battleground of US – Russia tussle. The Syrian regime is supported by Russia as its fuel needs are met by the country in exchange of weapons, while the rebel forces are supported by US.

Syria is a Sunni majority country with minority Shia in power. The rebels want to overthrow the minority Assad government, which is being aided by America.

How does the attack affect India?

India is highly dependent on the gulf countries like UAE, Iran, Iraq and Quwait which are located around Syria, for its oil needs as it imports 80% of crude oil from them. Any attack on Syria may lead to a knee-jerk reaction of price hike in crude oil, which in turn will make it expensive in India as well.

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