A missile struck Kyiv on Saturday, breaking nearly two months of relative peace in the Ukrainian capital, as frontline districts fought off waves of drone attacks overnight, news agency AFP reported. Ukraine is ready for a second Russian aerial assault this winter, following last year's methodical assaults on the country's electrical grid, which left people without warmth or electricity for extended periods in frigid weather. "After a long pause of 52 days, the enemy renewed missile attacks on Kyiv," the head of the Kyiv city military administration Sergiy Popko was cited by AFP in its report. 

He went on to say that the Russians conducted a missile strike on the capital early Saturday morning. 

At daybreak, AFP correspondents in downtown Kyiv heard two powerful explosions and observed traces in the sky. 

Soon later, air sirens began to wail.

When asked why the alert went out after the explosion, air force spokesperson Yuriy Ignat remarked on television that "ballistic missiles fly extremely fast and are not as visible as cruise missiles on radars." 

The air force stated that it was investigating if the capital was hit by an Iskander ballistic missile or an S-400 anti-aircraft missile. 

Ukraine has deployed additional Western air defence systems, according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, as the country prepared for a second full winter of Russian strikes on energy infrastructure.

On September 21, Kyiv's air defences shot down a missile. Seven individuals were injured by falling debris, including a kid.

On Saturday, there were no reported injuries or damage in the capital. 

However, two missiles struck a field between two towns in the greater Kyiv region, according to the regional military administration's chief. 

"The blast wave damaged five private residential buildings. In particular, roofs and windows were smashed," Ruslan Kravchenko was quoted by AFP in its report. 

Meanwhile, some parts of Ukraine resisted drone raids overnight.

The air force said it shot down 19 of Moscow's 31 assault drones between Friday evening and Saturday am (0100 GMT). 

"The Russian occupants sent most of the attack UAVs to the frontline areas," it said.

It went on to say Russia fired multiple missiles overnight, but did not say if any of them were shot down. 

Ukraine has threatened to target Russian oil and gas infrastructure if Moscow continues its winter campaign of assaults on energy infrastructure. 

In an interview with Politico, Energy Minister German Galushchenko said it "would be fair" to strike Russia's oil and gas infrastructure if Ukraine's power grid was repeatedly attacked.

On the ground, Ukrainian soldiers are confronting Russian attacks near the eastern frontline town of Avdiivka. 

"Our servicemen and women are steadfastly holding the line in the Avdiivka sector,"  Ukrainian army commander Oleksandr Tarnavskyi said.

Ukrainian authorities stated earlier this week that they were ready for a third round of Russian strikes, which began in Avdiivka roughly a month ago.

Two people were murdered and eight others were injured in Kherson's southern frontier over the last day, according to governor Oleksandr Prokudin.