New Delhi: India on Friday abstained in a vote in the UN Human Rights Council that has decided to urgently establish an independent international commission of inquiry as a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

The 47-member Council voted on a draft resolution on the situation of human rights in Ukraine.

The resolution was adopted with 32 votes in favour, two against and 13 abstentions, including India, China and Pakistan.

The countries voting in favour included the United States, the UK, Japan, France, Germany, the UAE and Nepal, while Russia and Eritrea voted against.

“The Human Rights Council has decided to urgently establish an independent international commission of inquiry as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine,” the Council tweeted.

Earlier on Thursday, India sought an immediate cessation of violence and end to hostilities in Ukraine.

“We are greatly concerned over the steadily worsening humanitarian situation in Ukraine,” India said at the Urgent Debate regarding the human rights situation in Ukraine at the 49th Human Rights Council Session in Geneva, PTI reported.

“No solution can ever be arrived at the cost of human lives. Dialogue and diplomacy are the only solution for settling differences and disputes,” India added.

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Calling for respect and protection of human rights of people in Ukraine and safe humanitarian access to conflict zones, India said: “We are also deeply concerned over the safety and security of thousands of Indian nationals, including young Indian students, who are still stranded in Ukraine.”

“We are working together with neighbouring States for their evacuation,” India added.

Asserting that it has already dispatched humanitarian assistance to Ukraine, including medicines, medical equipment and other relief material and more such assistance will be sent in the coming days, India told the session: “This is an urgent necessity that must be effectively addressed.”

The debate in Geneva came a day after the 193-member United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to condemn Russian aggression against Ukraine.

The UN General Assembly demanded that Russia “completely and unconditionally” withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine.

India abstained on the resolution, which received 141 votes in favour, five against and a total of 35 abstentions.