New Delhi: Amid the ongoing fear of Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States President Joe Biden is likely to send extra troops of US Army to Europe this week. 

Around 2,000 soldiers will be sent from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to Poland and Germany, and a further 1,000 already in Germany will go to Romania, Associated Press reported quoting White House officials.

America's decision is in addition to the 8,500 troops the Pentagon has put on alert last month to be ready to deploy to Europe if needed.

Although Biden has claimed that he would not put US soldiers in Ukraine to assist the country from Russian incursion, it is being reported that America is supplying Ukraine with weapons and other military assistance.

The reported development comes amid stalled talks with Russia over its military buildup at Ukraine's borders. 

So far, President Vladimir Putin has denied claims of Russia planning to invade Ukraine but has deployed around 1 lakh troops near Ukraine's borders. 

Moscow has recently said that it has no intention of initiating conflict and is willing to continue diplomatic efforts.

Moscow, however, has accused the Ukrainian government of failing to implement an international treaty to restore peace in the east where Russian-backed rebels control swathes of territory and at least 14,000 people have been killed since 2014.

Talks of Russian invasion of Ukraine have mounted in recent months as along with 1 lakh troops, Moscow has also deployed tanks, artillery, helicopters and warplanes near Ukraine's borders, including neighboring Belarus.

Meanwhile, Putin on Tuesday accused the US and its allies of ignoring Russia's central security demands but he said that Moscow is willing to talk more to ease tensions over Ukraine.

(With inputs from agencies.)