New Delhi: After the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine last month, there have been multiple attempts by the two nations and other mediators as well to broker peace. The peace talks have not remained fruitful so far as Russia continues to capture major cities and nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

After attempts by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett as a role of mediator between Russia and Ukraine, Turkey will also try to negotiate peace.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu says the foreign ministers of Russia and Ukraine will meet near the Turkish Mediterranean coastal city of Antalya on Thursday. The meeting will take place on the sidelines of an international diplomacy forum in Antalya.

Cavusoglu said he would also take part in the meeting between Russia's Sergey Lavrov and Dmytro Kuleba of Ukraine, which would be in a trilateral format.

"We especially hope that this meeting is a turning point important step towards peace and stability," Cavusoglu said, adding both ministers had asked for him to join the talks.

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Turkey, which has close ties to both Russia and Ukraine has sought to place itself as a mediator between the warring sides.

Cavusoglu said that in a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday, President Tayyip Erdogan repeated Turkey's offer to host the meeting and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov later accepted, reports Reuters.

(With Agencies Input)