New Delhi: In the midst of the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, US President Joe Biden has agreed to meet his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin 'in principle' if the invasion hasn't occurred yet according to ANI. 

According to a statement issued by the Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, The White House on Monday, read Secretary (Antony) Blinken & Russian Foreign Minister (Sergeĭ Viktorovich) Lavrov are scheduled to meet later this week in Europe, provided Russia doesn't proceed with military action.

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"We are always ready for diplomacy. We are also ready to impose swift and severe consequences should Russia instead choose war", the statement read. Russia appears to be continuing its preparation at the border for a full-scale assault, Psaki's statement further read.

According to an AFP report, a statement released early Monday by the Elysee Palace said French President Emmanuel Macron had pitched both leaders on a summit over "security and strategic stability in Europe." 

"Presidents Biden and Putin have both accepted the principle of such a summit," the Elysee Palace statement said, before adding that such a meeting would be impossible if Russia invaded Ukraine as Western nations fear it plans to. 

The AFP report said that US-based satellite imagery company, Maxar reported many new deployments of Russian military units in forests, farms, and industrial areas as little as 15 km from the border with Ukraine which the company said represented a change from what had been seen in recent weeks.