The Ukrainian delegation which is likely to hold talks with Russia is on its way to Belarus, and the meeting between both the countries is expected to begin Monday, reported news agency ANI citing sources.

Fearing for their lives, the delegation avoided the regular route to Belarus via Gomel, instead they chose to travel through Poland which is a longer route.

The negotiation between both the countries will be first attempt to end conflict since Russia started its invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

"The talks will be held on Monday morning due to the fact that, fearing for their lives, the Ukrainian delegation did not take the direct route, through Gomel, but will enter [Belarus] through Poland, at the 'Warsaw Bridge' checkpoint. They are taking a huge detour," ANI quoted a source.

Earlier, the Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky agreed to send a delegation of officials to hold talks with Russia in Belarus on grounds that it will be "without preconditions". 

"We agreed that the Ukrainian delegation would meet with the Russian delegation without preconditions on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, near the Pripyat River," announced Zelensky on his official Telegram channel. 

The decision by the Ukrainian president was taken after he spoke to President Aleksandr G Lukashenko of Belarus, and was assured of security.

Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russian delegation is looking ahead to the talks and is waiting for  their Ukrainian counterparts to arrive, reported ANI.

According to the Interior Ministry of Ukraine 352 civilians, including 14 children have lost their lives in Russian invasion, while 1,684 people, including 116 children, have been wounded.