After Russia announced military actions in Ukraine Today, explosions were heard from different parts of the country including the capital city Kyiv.

News agency AFP reported citizens in Kyiv heading to underground metro stations to take shelter from the attack. A martial law was immediately declared in the city by authorities in view of the military aggression by Russia.

The eastern port city of Mariupoland too was rocked by blasts. Artillery fire was reported by people in Kyiv and Mariupoland. Air raid sirens also rang out at Independence Square in Kyiv for several minutes.

Russia has destroy Ukrainian airbases and air defences reported state-owned media house Sputnik. 

"The military infrastructure of Ukrainian military air bases has been put out of action," it quoted Russian Defence Ministry as stating. 

Ukraine has also said to have shot down five Russian planes and a Russian helicopter in the Luhansk region bordering Russia, reported Reuters.

Putin on Thursday announced 'military operation' in Ukraine to defend separatists in the east of the country. "I have made the decision of a military operation," declared Putin as quoted by AFP.

The Russian president also threatened retaliation against those who challenge Russia's action in Ukraine.

"Anyone who tries to interfere with us, or even more so, to create threats for our country and our people, must know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never before experienced in your history," Putin said in a televised address.