After serving as Britain's monarch for over 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday in Scotland at the age of 96 after battling health issues since a year, Royal Family announced. "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow," the Royal Family tweeted.

Soon after it was announced by the Buckingham Palace that concerns over Queen's health has grown lately, her family members rushed to see her at Balmoral, her Scottish Highlands retreat. 

After Queens death, her eldest son Charles, 73, automatically becomes the king of the United Kingdom and the head of state of 14 other realms, including Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

Twitter was flooded with messages and condolences for Queen's family with premiers of big nations reaching out to the royal family. Prime Minister Narendra was also among one of the early politician to extend his grief over Queen's demise.

Check some reactions below:

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

"As the United Kingdom's longest-lived and longest-reigning Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II was widely admired for her grace, dignity, and dedication around the world. She was a reassuring presence throughout decades of sweeping change, including the decolonization of Africa and Asia and the evolution of the Commonwealth."

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

"(our) hearts and our thoughts go to the family members of the Queen, (go) to the people of the United Kingdom ... Our relationship with the people in the United Kingdom, and this is something the president has said himself, has grown stronger and stronger."

EU Chief Charles Michel

"Our thoughts are with the royal family and all those who mourn Queen Elizabeth II in the UK and worldwide. Once called Elizabeth the Steadfast, she never failed to show us the importance of lasting values in a modern world with her service and commitment."

Italian PM Mario Draghi

"Queen Elizabeth was a major player in world history over the last seventy years. She represented the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth with balance, wisdom, respect for institutions and democracy. She has been the most beloved symbol of her country and has garnered respect, affection and warm feelings everywhere. She ensured stability in times of crisis and kept the value of tradition alive in a society in constant and profound evolution."