New Delhi: Queen Elizabeth II , the longest-reigning monarch of Britain, who passed away on Thursday at the age of 96 has seen almost 14 presidents of the United States of America in her record-breaking reign of 70 years.  The Queen has witnessed more than 20 elections in the United States. The late queen, who was born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, in Mayfair, London, in 1926 ended up meeting almost all of the US presidents since 1952 during her years on the throne.

Also, interesting to note is that the Queen’s reign traversed 15 prime ministers starting with Winston Churchill, born in 1874, including Liz Truss, born 101 years later in 1975, who won the elections earlier this week.

The late queen has watched US presidents come and go. She continued to remain on the world stage meeting American leaders before she even became queen. Even though she never joined politics, the queen ensured all relations between the United Kingdom and the United States were maintained.

From Harry Truman to Joe Biden, the Queen met 13 of the 14 US presidents that came along during her time on the throne. Lyndon Baines Johnson remained the only exception on the list. She has frequently visited the White House, and tried her best to maintain all invitations to Buckingham Palace.

Know her encounters with US Presidents

Harry Truman:  In 1952, then-Princess Elizabeth just before ascending to the throne met with president Harry Truman. Elizabeth and Prince Phillip met with the Truman family at Blair House that year during a visit to Washington, DC.

Dwight Eisenhower: Queen Elizabeth stayed for four days at the White House in October 1957 with Dwight Eisenhower and first lady Mamie Eisenhower.

John F. Kennedy: Later in 1961, the queen hosted president John F. Kennedy and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy at Buckingham Palace.

Lyndon Johnson: The former queen could never meet president Lyndon Johnson instead her sister Princess Margaret met him in 1965.

Richard Nixon: The next president in line was Richard Nixon, whom Queen Elizabeth met along with their spouses in the UK in 1970.

Gerald Ford: The former queen visited the US for an American bicentennial celebration in in 1976 where she danced with President Gerald Ford.

Jimmy Carter: A year later, the queen officially met with president Jimmy Carter at a May 1977 summit dinner with world leaders at Buckingham Palace.

Ronald Reagan: President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan visited Windsor Castle in 1982 when they met Queen Elizabeth and enjoyed horse riding together.

George H.W. Bush: In 1991, she visited the White House and met with president George H W Bush on the South Lawn to plant a tree. Interestingly, the tree replaced another, which had been planted by president Franklin Roosevelt in 1937 in honor of the coronation of King George VI, the queen's father.

Bill Clinton: The former queen had a chance to meet with president Bill Clinton at a D-Day commemoration event at the Guildhall in London.

George W. Bush: The meetings with the US presidents sustained with the former queen meeting president George W Bush at Buckingham Palace in 2003 before Bush met with the then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Barack Obama: Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama also interacted with the queen and Prince Philip in April 2016. The couples enjoyed a private lunch in Windsor.

Donald Trump:  The meeting with president Donald Trump happened at a state banquet where Trump and first lady Melania Trump attended the Buckingham Palace event.

Joe Biden: The last US President in her reign was Joe Biden. She met Biden and First Lady Jill Biden at Windsor Castle in June 2021 during his first foreign trip as president.