New Delhi: Leaders of member nations of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) — US, Japan, Australia, and India — are likely to meet on April 24 in Tokyo during US President Joe Biden’s visit to Republic of Korea and Japan from May 20 to May 24, reported news agency ANI. 

While the United States is planning to raise the issue of a unified response against Ukraine in the meeting, China has slammed the meeting calling it “detrimental to mutual trust and cooperation among regional countries.” 

US To Call For Unified Response Against Russia 

For the upcoming QUAD meet, the United States is looking forward to raising the issue of a unified response against Russia and will also provide an update on the steps it would take to support Ukraine amid the ongoing conflict, said the White House, reported ANI. 

White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, while answering a question on whether Biden will raise the issue of a unified response to Russia, said, “ We will convey the same sentiments in the meeting.” 

"Now, this meeting is several weeks away, so a lot can certainly happen," said Psaki, adding that "certainly, the President will provide an update on what we're doing and where things stand at that point in time."

‘Detrimental To Mutual Trust’: China Reacts To The Summit 

China reacted to the upcoming Quad meeting saying that it reeks of “military confrontation.” During a daily news briefing on Thursday, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that countries should cooperate and promote regional peace rather than “forming exclusive cliques detrimental to mutual trust and cooperation among regional countries.” 

He termed the Quad grouping as “steeped in the obsolete Cold War and zero sum mentality and reeks of military confrontation” adding that “ It runs counter to the trend of the times and is doomed to be rejected.”