New Delhi: The Vatican on Wednesday said that Pope Francis has a respiratory infection and will need to spend a few days in the hospital for treatment. Pope complained of breathing difficulties over the past few days and was taken to Rome's Gemelli hospital, where the tests showed that he indeed had an infection but it wasn't COVID-19, according to a statement issued by the Vatican, reported the news agency Reuters.

The statement read, "Pope Francis is touched by the many messages received and expresses his gratitude for the closeness and prayer."

He has a history of respiratory problems, having had part of one lung removed in his early 20s when training to be a priest in his native Argentina.

His latest hospitalisation comes ahead of a Palm Sunday service on April 2 which marks the week of ceremonies that'll lead to Easter Sunday on April 9, throwing into doubt whether he would be able to lead them as customary.

Francis' health attracted scrutiny in the past two years, during which he went through colon surgery and started using a wheelchair/walking stick as he suffered from chronic pain in one knee.

The Vatican initially said that Francis went to the hospital just for a routine check-up, however, the Italian media reported that he had arrived in an ambulance after cancelling a television interview at the very last minute.

Earlier in the day, Francis had attended his regular general audience in St. Peter's Square and appeared to be in good health.

History Of Health Conditions

Pope Francis suffers from diverticulitis, a condition that can affect or inflame the colon, and was operated on at the Gemelli hospital in 2021 to remove part of his colon. However, in January he said that the condition has returned and that it was causing him to gain weight among other things. 

Francis while talking to Reuters last year said that he opted not to undergo surgery on his problematic knee because he did not want to experience the same anesthesia-related adverse effects as he endured following the operation in 2021.

When Francis returned from a trip to Canada in July of last year, he acknowledged that his advancing age and his difficulties in walking may have ushered in a new, slower phase of his papacy.