Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday arrived in Kyiv to hold talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, weeks after his visit to Moscow. PM Modi's visit comes amid the tumultuous situation in Ukraine and Russia due to the ongoing war between the two nations. During his talks with Zelenskyy, PM Modi stated that though India has always stayed away from war, it does not mean that the country was neutral. He also urged Zelenskyy to sit down with his Russian counterpart Putin and find ways to come out of the crisis.

"India was never neutral. Right from the first day we have always been on the side of peace," PM Modi said.

He further said that India is the land of Buddha where there is no place for war. He also spoke about Mahatama Gandhi and how he gave the world the message of peace.

"I have come here to Ukraine with a message of peace," PM Modi said.

Had Told Prez Putin This Is No Time For War: PM Modi Tells Zelenskyy

Discussing peaceful resolutions to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, PM Modi assured President Zelenskyy that "India is ready to play an active role in every effort for peace".

"Today I would like to discuss with you specifically the path to peace and progress. If I can personally contribute to this, I would like to do so. As a friend, I can assure you," PM Modi said, stressing that both sides should sit together and find ways to come out of the crisis.

PM Modi further urged Zelenskyy to move towards the direction of achieving peace without wasting any time and that the "solution comes only through talks, dialogue, and diplomacy".

He also told him how he had told Russian President Vladimir Putin that it was "not the time for war" when PM Modi met him during his recent visit to Moscow. "Recently, when I went to Russia for a meeting, I said there too in clear words that the solution to any problem is never found on the battlefield," he said.

"People from other countries also know that India has actively planned peace efforts and you also know that our approach has been people-centric. I want to assure you and the entire world that this is India's commitment and we believe that respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is of utmost importance to us and we support it," PM Modi stated.

PM Modi Expresses Gratitude To Kyiv For Evacuating Indians During War

PM Modi expressed his gratitude to President Zelenskyy for helping in the successful evacuation of Indian nationals and students during the initial days of war with Russia.

Thanking the Ukrainian President for helping Indians, PM Modi said: "During the initial stage of this (Russia-Ukraine) war, you provided a lot of help in evacuating the Indian students who were trapped here. I, on behalf of the 140 crore people of the nation, would like to thank you for this."

"When there were initial days of war you helped in the evacuation of Indian nationals and students. I express my gratitude to you for your help during this time of crisis...The world knows very well that during the war we played two roles...The first role was the humanitarian approach...I assure you that whatever the need may be from a humanitarian point of view, India will always stand with you and will be two steps ahead," he added.

As Ukraine is set to celebrate its National Day on August 24, PM Modi congratulated Zelenskky on behalf of India.

"Today is a historic day for the relationship between India and Ukraine because an Indian PM has visited Ukraine for the first time. Tomorrow is your National Day, and I, on behalf of the 140 crore Indians, congratulate you all," he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Kyiv is historic one since it is the first time that an Indian PM has visited Ukraine since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992. 

ALSO READ: Modi, Zelenskyy Discuss Elevating India-Ukraine Bilateral Relations To Strategic Partnership During 'Landmark Visit'