New Delhi: Amid strained diplomatic relationship with India, Pakistan successfully carried out night-training launch of surface-to-surface ballistic missile 'Ghaznavi', the Army said on Thursday. Pakistan's military media spokesperson, Major General Asif Ghafoor took to Twitter and informed about test fire saying that the ballistic missile is capable of delivering multiple types of warheads up to 290 kms. The Director-General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) also shared a video of the launch in his tweet.

"Pakistan successfully carried out night training launch of surface to surface ballistic missile Ghaznavi, capable of delivering multiple types of warheads upto 290 KMs. CJCSC & Services Chiefs congrat team." He further told, President Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan have also conveyed their appreciation to the team, and congratulated the nation on the feat.

Pakistan's successful missile test comes a day after the country closed three routes of the Karachi airspace and issued a notice to airmen. It had also sent a naval warning message of a possible missile test launch.

The missile was launched amid Pakistan's efforts to internationalise the Kashmir issue after India abrogated provisions of Article 370 of the Constitution to withdraw Jammu and Kashmir's special status and bifurcated it into two Union Territories.

Pakistan expelled the Indian High Commissioner after it downgraded the diplomatic ties with India in protest to India's decision to end Jammu and Kashmir's special status. Pakistan also suspended its trade with India and stopped the train and bus services.

Watch | Pakistan carries out training launch of Ghaznavi

The development comes two days after Prime Minister Imran Khan, in a televised address on Monday, said that his country will go to any extent for Kashmir and asserted that Islamabad would not be afraid of using its nuclear powers for Kashmir.

India has categorically told the international community that the scrapping of Article 370 was an internal matter and also advised Pakistan to accept the reality.