New Delhi: Offering to help India manage the Covid-19 pandemic, Pakistan-based humanitarian organisation Edhi Foundation’s Managing Trustee Faisal Edhi has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking permission to enter India with a team of volunteers and 50 ambulances to provide assistance in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

Faisal Edhi in his letter addressed to Prime Minister Modi said the Edhi Foundation has been closely following the current impact that the Covid-19 crisis has had on the people of India.

“We are very sorry to hear about the exceptionally heavy impact that the pandemic has had on your country, where a tremendous number of people are suffering immensely. As a neighbouring friend, we sympathise with you greatly and during this strenuous time, we would like to extend our help in the form of a fleet of 50 ambulances along with our services to assist you in addressing, and further circumventing, the current health conditions,” Faisal Edhi said in his letter.

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The Edhi Foundation’s Managing Trustee in his letter said he only seeks permission to enter India with the ambulances and a team consisting of emergency medical technicians, office staff, drivers’ and supporting staff.

“Our organization understands the gravity of the situation, and we wish to lend you our full support without any inconvenience to you, which is why we will arrange all the necessary supplies that our team needs to assist the people of India. Importantly, we are not requesting any other assistance from you, as we are providing the fuel, food, and necessary amenities that our team will require. Our team consists of emergency medical technicians, office staff, drivers and supporting staff,” Faisal Edhi said.

“In order to implement our proposed service, we only request your permission to enter India as well as any necessary guidance from the local administration and police department. We are willing and ready to deploy our team into any critical areas of concern at your direction without any hesitation,” he added.

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The Edhi Foundation also posted the letter written to Prime Minister Modi on its official Twitter handle.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ur" dir="rtl">ایدھی فاؤنڈیشن کے سربراہ فیصل ایدھی کا بھارت کے وزیراعظم نریندر مودی کو امداد کی پیشکش.<br><br>انہوں نے پچاس ایمبولینس اور ایک رضاء کاروں کی ٹیم بھیجنے کا ارادہ کیا ہے، تاکہ بھارت کی عوام کی اس مشکل وقت میں مدد کی جاسکے۔<a >#Edhipakistan</a> <a >#edhi</a> <a >#indianlifematter</a> <a ></a></p>&mdash; Edhi (@Edhiorg) <a >April 23, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

The Edhi Foundation’s letter comes after several Pakistani citizens on Twitter requested their Prime Minister Imran Khan to help India in its fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.