New Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan will face a no-confidence motion on Sunday, April 3 at 11:30 AM (local time). "The crucial National Assembly session for the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan will be held tomorrow (Sunday) at 11:30 am," said Pakistan's Geo News as quoted by news agency ANI.

How Does A No-Confidence Vote Work?

Under the constitution, a state leader is chosen by a greater part of the lower house National Assembly, which has 342 individuals.

An applicant needs a larger part of legislators, at least 172, to decide in favor of him to become a top state leader. That is the similar number of votes expected to pass a no-confidence vote against him and his cabinet.

So Khan may as yet endure a no-confidence vote assuming he gets less votes than the opposition, however provided that the last option doesn't get the essential 172 votes.

Currently Aftermaths In Pakistan Assembly

The joint opposition comprising PML-N and the PPP has in excess of 160 seats in the National Assembly.

Khan's party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has 155 seats in the lower house, 17 short of the 172 needed to retain power in the 342-member Pakistan National Assembly.

Imran's Appeals Ahead Of No-Trust Vote

Meanwhile, a day before the trust vote, the Prime Minister once again spoke to the nation and called on his countrymen to take to the streets.

"I have been planning how to face them. Insha Allah (God willing), you will see how I will face them tomorrow. I want my people to be vigilant, alive. If it had been another country where such things were happening, people would have moved to the streets.

"I call on all of you to move to the streets today and tomorrow. You should do so for your conscience, in the interest of this nation. No party should force you to do that. You should be out on the streets for the future of your children. You should all go out and show that you are vigilant," Khan said addressing people during a Q&A session with ARY News.

"I Will Not Resign, Will Play Till Last Ball"

However, on Thursday, while addressing Pakistan, he said that those advising him to resign should know that he has been a cricketer and plays till the last ball.

"When I played cricket for 20 years, the world and those who played cricket with me saw that I play till the last ball. I've never accepted defeat in life. Nobody should think that I will sit at home. I'll come back stronger, whatever may the result be," Khan said in his address to the nation.

ALSO READ: If Oppn Takes Over, They Will Do Slavery Of America: Imran Khan Address Nation Ahead Of Trust-Vote

Addressing the nation, Imran Khan said, "Neither I'm going to bow in front of anyone nor will I let my community do that. Why should we have to crawl like ants? Won't let our people bend before anyone."

"The aim of Pakistan was a great one. When I entered politics 25 years ago, there were three things in my manifesto - justice, humanity and pride," Khan added.

Imran Says "Establishment" Gave Him 3 Choices

Meanwhile, the role of Pakistan's army has become important in this development. According to the report of ANI, there is a discussion in Pakistan from Islamabad to Karachi that the Pakistan Army has given Imran Khan three options.

According to sources, the first option in front of Imran is that he should resign from the post of Prime Minister, the second option is to dissolve Parliament by announcing early elections, and the third option is to face a no-confidence motion in Parliament. And accept the result.

Military Refutes PM Imran Khan's Claims On 'Three Options'

However, according to the report by news agency ANI, quoting Pakistani media, the military establishment did not bring up the Opposition’s options (no-confidence motion) but it was the federal government that called the top brass seeking a meeting to discuss the ongoing political turmoil.  

According to sources close to The News International, the Chief of Pakistan Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa and the Directive General (DG) of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) met Imran Khan on Wednesday at the request of the ruling government.

During the meeting, the three options were mutually discussed without the establishment offering them to Imran Khan and the PM agreed to an early election, dissolving the assembly.

As per sources, after meeting the Pakistan PM, the military General and DG ISI met the Opposition to convey the three options that were discussed between the military and Imran Khan. However, the Opposition rejected the options, including the dissolution of the Assembly.  

Tomorrow i.e. on April 3, there will be a discussion on the no-confidence motion against Imran Khan in Pakistan.