New Delhi: In his maiden US visit, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan received a snub by the Donald Trump administration, which did not bother itself with the due welcome of the Pakistani premier.

As per reports, not a single US official came to receive Khan at the airport, as he landed on the US soil on Saturday.

Khan is scheduled to have  face-to-face interaction with the US President on Monday.

Khan arrived in the US in a commercial Qatar Airways flight and is staying at the official residence of the Pakistani Ambassador to the US Asad Majeed Khan. He was welcomed at the airport by his foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) shared a video on Twitter in which Khan can be seen deboarding the Qatar Airways flight and later being received by Qureshi and Pakistan ambassador to the US Asad M Khan. For leaving the airport, Khan used a people mover.

However, as per the claims of Pakistan Embass in the US, Khan was received by Senior Officials of the US State Department, though no US official was seen in the clip shared.

Here is how netizens reacted to the video:

Meanwhile, a former top Pakistani diplomat said that Imran Khan's maiden visit to the US as Pakistan's Prime Minister will be "weak in substance" and there is nothing he can promise that hasn't been promised before.

Khan, 66, is scheduled to meet US President Donald Trump at the White House Monday during which the American leadership will press him to take "decisive and irreversible" actions against terrorist and militant groups operating from Pakistani soil and facilitate peace talks with the Taliban.

During his stay in Washington DC, Khan, in addition to his meeting with Trump, is also scheduled to meet IMF acting chief David Lipton and World Bank President David Malpass.

He is scheduled to address a gathering of thousands of Pakistani Americans at capitol One Arena in downtown Washington DC on Sunday, July 21, and speak at the US Institute of Peace think-tank on July 23.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will call on him on Tuesday.