New Delhi: Pakistan has issued special postage stamps to glorify the slain Hizbul Mujahideen militant Burhan Wani and his associates, reported Pakistani newspaper The Nation.

The Pakistan Post portrays Burhan Wani as a Freedom Icon in the new postage stamps. It has issued 20 new ‘special’ postage stamps on July 24 this year with a motive to malign India's image and present it as an oppressor in the valley.

The stamps carry photographs of militant Burhan Wani and his two associates decimated in an encounter with security forces in the year 2016. The stamps pay tribute to other militants as well who were killed by the Indian forces.

The news has come to light soon after proposal of Pakistani PM Imran Khan for resuming stalled peace dialogue between the countries.

At a time when India maintains a firm stands against dialogue with Pakistan, this act of glorifying terrorists by Pakistan can further prove damaging for the already fallen bilateral ties.

India maintains its stand that Pakistan will have to make atmosphere conducive for engagement by acting against terror groups operating from Pakistani soil, if it wants to begin the dialogue again.

The India-Pakistan ties nose-dived in recent years with no bilateral talks taking place. The ties between the two countries had strained after Pakistan-based terror groups launched attacks in India in 2016.