New Delhi: A young female staffer of Pakistan’s Airport Security Force was penalised because she was lip-synching to an Indian song.

The issue was that the staffer was wearing a cap with the country’s flag on it.

As reported, the increments and perks of the 25-year-old girl has been withheld by the Airport Security Force for two years.

The video of the girl singing had made its way to the social media, which prompted authorities to order a probe in the matter.

As per reports, an electronic channel broadcast the video slamming the girl for lip-synching to an Indian song while wearing a cap with Pakistani flag on it.

The officials also warned her of strict action if she is found involved in any other violation in the future.

She has been asked to refrain from controversial activity on social media. She has now been working at the Sialkot airport for the last two years.

Pakistan’s accountability bureau has also launched a probe in the recent matter of a Polish girl dancing in plane on Kiki song on the country’s Independence Day.

The video of the song is viral on Social media.

(Video shared on YouTube by Technical Solutions).