Islamabad: Amid tensions in Kabul post the Taliban takeover, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Wednesday informed his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that he would be making visits to other nations to develop a “regional consensus on the evolving situation in Afghanistan”.

This comes as Pakistan has so far maintained that the decision to recognise the Taliban regime in Afghanistan should be a regional one.

A statement issued by Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Qureshi shared the details of his upcoming visits with Yi during a telephone call, adding that both the foreign ministers agreed to remain in contact on shared interests, particularly the Afghanistan situation.

Qureshi shared with his Chinese counterpart the details of a recently held National Security Committee (NSC) meeting, which was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan.

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The NSC, according to the statement, was convened to discuss Pakistan's future strategy on Afghanistan.

Qureshi in tune with decisions taken during the NSC meeting emphasized on an “inclusive political settlement” in Afghanistan, for which he said all Afghans would have to work together.

“A peaceful and stable Afghanistan was of critical importance for Pakistan and the entire region,” the statement quoted Qureshi as saying, Dawn reported.

The Federal Minister also called for the international community to continue its support for the people of Afghanistan, particularly the provision of economic assistance.

The telephonic conversation between Qureshi and Yi is the latest development in Islamabad’s efforts to build a regional consensus on the situation in Afghanistan.


China had following the country’s takeover by the Taliban earlier said it is ready to deepen “friendly and cooperative” relations with Afghanistan.

“The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China's participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan,” a Chinese government spokesperson said earlier on Monday.

Calling on the Taliban to “ensure a smooth transition” of power, the spokesperson had asked the insurgent group to keep its promises to negotiate the establishment of an “open and inclusive Islamic government” and ensure the safety of Afghans and foreign citizens.