New Delhi: Ever since PTI chief Imran Khan has clinched a sweeping victory , one person who is never out of news is his ex-wife Reham Khan.

Reham Khan who is known for vocally attacking Imran Khan’s party PTI, on Saturday left Tweeple curious when she posted a screenshot of a conversation, in a cryptic tweet.

Reham wrote on Twitter: “Look what I found while organising. Caller ID pey check kerain who was texting Bunny Gala back in 2015? #ElementaryWatson”.

Reham chose not to disclose the answer and ended the tweet with a hashtag ‘ElementaryWatson’ a term used when people have to suggest that something is easy to solve.

Imran had married Reham a former BBC journalist in the year 2014. Their marriage fell apart after 10 months in the year 2015.

In her recent book, Reham has accused Khan of being bisexual, taking hard drugs and also of adultery.