New Delhi: US President Donald Trump and First lady Melania, met Queen Elizabeth II at the Buckingham Palace on Monday, on the first day of their three-day state visit to bilateral ties.

Trump’s meet with the queen comes hours after he termed the London mayor Sadiq Khan as “nasty” and a “stone cold loser.”

The 93-year-old queen welcomed the US President and the First Lady at Buckingham Palace with a ceremonial guard of honour welcome ceremony, which was followed by a private lunch at the palace in central London. Trump and Melania were received by Prince Charles after their helicopter Marine One landed on the West Lawn of the palace on Monday afternoon.

As the Trumps landed, they were greeted with two 41-gun salutes fired simultaneously in The Green Park by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and at Tower of London by the Honourable Artillery Company.

Trump’s visit to the UK is overshadowed by a looming Brexit crisis and his apparent dislike for the Pakistani-origin Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Earlier, just moments before his Air Force One touched down at Stansted Airport, the US President took to Twitter in his characteristic style to attack London's Mayor Sadiq Khan with whom he has clashed in the past, terming him "nasty" and a "stone cold loser".

"Sadiq Khan who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly "nasty" to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me," he said.

Trump compared the 48-year-old Khan with New York Mayor de Blasio as having done an equally "terrible job".

Khan's spokesperson responded by saying that "childish insults" should be "beneath the President of the United States".