New Delhi: After the historic summit of North and South Korea on Friday, now the reports about Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to North Korea are doing rounds.

As per the reports, Wang Yi will visit North Korea on a two-day-tour on Wednesday and Thursday.

Wang will be the first Chinese foreign minister to visit the North since the year 2007.

After 2007, the two countries have had rough ties, which has now improved, specially after Kim Jong’s visit to China.

China has backed UN sanctions over nuclear weapons programmes of North Korea, but lately China is being seen supporting the developments taking place at the diplomatic front in the country.

During the 1950—53 Korean war, China had fought on the North’s side.

North and South have agreed over complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.

Kim Jong-un is expected to meet US president Donald Trump in another landmark summit. This move is also backed by China.