New Delhi: It seems North Korea will continue to be one of the pinpoints of discussion in 2023 as its leader Kim Jong Un has now vowed to “exponentially” increase the production of the country’s nuclear arsenal and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), reported AP citing local media.  

As per the report, the revelation has been made by the state media in the year-end comments on Sunday, January 1. Notably, the development comes a day after Japan confirmed that North Korea launched at least three ballistic missiles toward the Sea of Japan.

On Sunday, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that they detected a missile launch from the North’s capital region which traveled about 400 kilometers (250 miles) before falling into the water between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. 

The missile, the first to be test-fired by the Kim Jong-un regime in 2023, was launched from Pyongyang's Ryongsong area at 2.50 am (local time), according to Yonhap. 

Kim Accuses South Korea Of Being “Hell-Bent On Imprudent And Dangerous Arms Build-Up”

North Korea had an eventful year with the launching of around 70 ballistic missiles, according to reports. 

“They are now keen on isolating and stifling (North Korea), unprecedented in human history,” Kim said at a recently ended ruling party meeting, AP quoted official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). “The prevailing situation calls for making redoubled efforts to overwhelmingly beef up the military muscle to thoroughly guarantee the sovereignty, security and fundamental interests of (the country).” 

The report further added that Kim accused South Korea of being “hell-bent on imprudent and dangerous arms build-up” and openly announcing its preparations for war with North Korea, and said that it highlights the need to mass-produce battlefield tactical nuclear weapons and calls for “an exponential increase of the country’s nuclear arsenal”. 

Kim has also decided to develop another ICBM system “whose main mission is quick nuclear counterstrike.” Reportedly, North Korea’s previously tested ICBMs demonstrated their potential abilities to reach the mainland U.S. 

Kim accused the United States of trying to establish a NATO-like military bloc by means of frequently deploying nuclear strike means in South Korea and boosting trilateral military cooperation with South Korea and Japan and pushing. 

“(Kim’s report) made clear that our nuclear force considers it as the first mission to deter war and safeguard peace and stability. However, if it fails to deter, it will carry out the second mission, which will not be for defense,” KCNA said, reported AP. 

READ: North Korea Fires 3 Ballistic Missiles Amid Concerns Over Possible Nuke Test

On Saturday, North Korea fired three short-range ballistic missiles toward the Sea of Japan. 

State media confirmed the launch stating that North Korea conducted the test-firings of its super-large multiple rocket launcher to test the weapon’s capability. The report added that three shells fired from the launcher on Saturday accurately hit an island target off the country’s eastern coast. It said North Korea fired another shell from the launcher toward its eastern waters Sunday.