North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un on Wednesday said that Pyongyang supports all decisions by Moscow as he met Russian President Vladimir Putin at a cosmodrome in Russia's far east Amur region. "Russia has risen to a sacred fight to protect its sovereignty and security against the hegemonic forces," Kim told Putin, as per a BBC report. "North Korea supports all Putin's decisions," he added. As per several media reports, Kim reached Russia on Tuesday on his private train amid concerns by the West about an arms deal to support Russia in its invasion of Ukraine.

On being asked whether the two leaders would talk about obtaining arms supplies from the North to replenish Moscow's dwindling stock of weapons and ammunition, Putin said they would discuss "all issues", reported Reuters.  

Kim-Putin Meet

"I am glad to see you," Putin said as he welcomed Kim at Vostochny Cosmodrome a modern space launch facility in the Amur region of Russia's Far East. "This is our new cosmodrome."

As the two leaders shook hands for around 40 seconds, Kim, through a translator, thanked Putin for the invitation and for the warmth of his reception, the Reuters report added. 

Pictures released by Russian media earlier showed Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korea's leader, was also accompanying her brother on his visit. 

Both the delegations include top diplomats and military commanders, according to the BBC report. Kim's entourage includes the commander of the Korean People's Army Ri Pyong Chol, his number two, Pak Jong Chon, and Jo Chun Ryong, the director of North Korea's Munitions Industry Department.

Putin, who travelled a fair distance from Moscow was accompanied by Russia's defence minister Sergei Shoigu and foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.

US, Allies Keeping Close Watch 

The meeting between the leaders of the two nations, which have become increasingly isolated internationally, is being closely watched by Washington and allies who suspect that the two countries can seal a deal to trade arms and defence technologies as stock of arms and ammunition dwindle for Russia in its invasion in Ukraine. 

Officials from the US and South Korea have expressed concerns that Kim could provide weapons to Russia while such intentions were denied by Moscow and Pyongyang, the Reuters report stated.