New Delhi: A no-confidence motion against Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan will be moved in the National Assembly today.

The house is scheduled to meet at 11 am, according to the National Assembly Secretariat, reported news agency ANI, citing the local media house Express Tribune. 

The no-confidence motion against Imran Khan is part of the 15-point agenda issued by the Secretariat on Thursday night.

Opposition parties on March 8 had submitted a no-confidence motion in the National Assembly to oust the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party chief.

Imran Khan's party would need at least 172 votes in the 342-member National Assembly to survive the no-confidence motion against his government.

The Prime Minister has rejected calls by opposition parties for his resignation ahead of the no-confidence motion. Political analysts view it as one of the toughest challenges facing Imran Khan since he came to power in 2018.

Earlier PM Imran Khan had issued a video message urging people to come out in his support and condemn the demand made by the opposition parties in order to save democracy in the country.

"I want my entire nation to come out with me on the 27th to send out the message that we are against this evil, this crime against our democracy, country, and its people. The nation is against the buying of representatives' conscience using stolen money," he said in the video message.

"Whole of Pakistan should know that no one in future should dare to put this country's democracy in jeopardy by doing this kind of horse-trading," the PM further added.