New Delhi: On Monday, US President Donald Trump refuted the reports alleging he worked for Russia as "hoax".  In straight words Trump said he never worked for Russia.

"I never worked for Russia and you know that answer better than anybody. I never worked for Russia," Trump was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.

He slammed reporters who asked him question about whether he was working for Russia, and said that it was a disgrace that he was being asked this question.

"Not only did I never work for Russia, I think it's a disgrace that you even ask that question because it's a whole big fat hoax. It's just a hoax," he said.

Media reports have claimed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had opened over whether Trump acted on Russia’s behalf after he sacked agency’s then director James Comey in 2017.

Another report in Washington Post said that the US President has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Putin, including at least one occasion where he took possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructed him not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials.

Also read: Trump hid details of face-to-face meetings with Putin even from senior officials, says report

As per the report this happened after a meeting between Putin and Trump in Hamburg that was also attended by then-secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The people in administration found out about the meeting when a White House adviser and a senior State Department official sought information from the interpreter, of what transpired beyond the readout shared by Tillerson. alleged that Trump does not share the details of his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The White House has described those reports as ridiculous.

Trump has dismissed all the reports as fake.

It's good to have ties with China, Russia, Japan and India, says Trump

Earlier on Twitter, he attacked the reports saying: "The Fake News gets crazier and more dishonest every single day. Amazing to watch as certain people covering me, and the tremendous success of this administration, have truly gone MAD! Their Fake reporting creates anger and disunity. Take two weeks off and come back rested. Chill !”