Myanmar civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was removed from power in a 2021 military coup, has been moved to a house arrest. She was taken from prison to a government building. On Monday, Suu Kyi was taken to a government building in Nay Pyi Taw,  BBC Burmese reported citing prison sources. She spent a year in solitary confinement. Suu Kyi's transfer was cinfirmed by news agency AFP with a source in her National League for Democracy party.

Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to another seven years in jail as her long series of trials. She is sentenced to a total of 33 years following 18 months of court proceedings that rights groups have dismissed as a sham -- appeared in good health, a legal source familiar with the case told AFP.

The Nobel laureate now facing more than three decades behind bars. A prisoner of the military since a coup last year, Suu Kyi, 77, has been convicted on every charge levelled against her ranging from corruption to illegally possessing walkie-talkies and flouting Covid restrictions.

Suu Kyi was jailed for seven years on five counts of corruption related to the hiring, maintaining, and purchase of a helicopter for a government minister, a case in which she allegedly caused "a loss to the state". "All her cases were finished and there are no more charges against her," AFP reported citing the source, on condition of anonymity as they were not authorised to speak to the media.

Suu Kyi's lawyers have been blocked from speaking to the media and journalists are barred from attending the hearings. The road leading to the prison holding Suu Kyi in the military-built capital Naypyidaw was clear of traffic ahead of the verdict, as reported by an AFP correspondent in the city.

Former Myanmar president Win Myint, who was co-accused with Suu Kyi in the latest trial, received the same sentence, the source told AFP, adding that both would appeal. Since her trial began, Suu Kyi has been seen only once -- in grainy state media photos from a bare courtroom -- and has been reliant on lawyers to relay messages to the world.

Last week the United Nations Security Council called on the junta to release Suu Kyi in its first resolution on the situation in Myanmar since the coup. It was a moment of relative unity by the council after permanent members and junta allies China and Russia abstained, opting not to wield vetoes following amendments to the wording.