Lahore: In a historic move, a local Pakistani news channel has claimed to have hired Pakistan's first transgender news anchor.

As per the reports the channel which hired the transgender anchor is called 'Kohenoor News'.

For the first time in its 10 years, it relaunched on Friday with an elaborate 'welcoming ceremony', where it announced the hiring of the transgender news anchor Marvia Malik, a first in Pakistan media's history.

A bachelors degree holder in journalism, Malik,  was in news lately for walking the ramp at the Pakistan Fashion Design Council (PFDC) Fashion Week in Lahore. According to reports, Malik has claimed to have read the basics of journalism and civics and has also done modelling. She has done intermediate from a boy's college.

Malik now further wants to pursuer masters in arts degree in the field of journalism. Unlike fellow transgenders,  she was always against the traditions that forced them to beg and dance on the streets. She was always clear in her mind regarding her ambitions.

Having faced abuses of all sorts, Malik, believes that her experiences only made her a stronger person.

Disappointed by the fact that nothing substantial has been done for the transgender community despite big promises by the authorities, Malik plans to root for new transgender laws that would make it mandatory for families to give transgender persons their share in property as a boy or girl is.

She scoffs at the fact that promises of quote in government jobs has not yet been fulfilled.

"I have several modelling offers that I'm considering, but I want to do something for my community that I feel is way behind. So I want to strengthen my people. Everywhere we go, a transgender person is looked down upon. But there's nothing we can't do; we're educated, have degrees, but no opportunities, no encouragement. This is what I want to change. Just as I created history in the fashion industry, I want to do the same in the media industry," Malik told ANI.

"Transgenders are forced to dance and beg because they have no other means to make ends meet. When they are shunned by families, they have nowhere else to go. My trans friends who have masters degrees don't have jobs which is why they end up on streets or become sex workers. This is why I want to push for a law so a transgender if disowned, can make a living out of the share in the property," she further said.

Malik had applied when vacancy had been advertised, whereby she came in for an interview some three months ago and was hired the same day.

Malik received a three-month-long training at the channel. She is reportedly getting a friendly and homely atmosphere at the office and is happy to be working there.

(With inputs from ANI)