New Delhi: In a massive crackdown against the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) Chief Masood Azhar, the United Nations on Wednesday designated him as a global terrorist. The development is considered to be a huge diplomatic win for India after China lifted its technical hold on a proposal to blacklist him under the Security Council's Sanctions Committee. China removed its hold on the proposal, which was moved by France, UK and the US in the Security Council's 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions Committee in February just days after the deadly Pulwama terror attack carried out by the Pakistan-based terror outfit JeM.

Confirmation of Azhar’s listing came from India’s Ambassador to the UN Syed Akbaruddin, who tweeted, “Big,small, all join together. Masood Azhar designated as a terrorist in @UN Sanctions list. Grateful to all for their support.”

A veto-wielding permanent member of the UN Security Council, China was the sole hold-out in the 15-nation body on the bid to blacklist Azhar, blocking attempts by placing a "technical hold" and asking for ‘more time to examine’ the proposal. When asked whether China has lifted the hold, Akbaruddin told PTI that ‘yes, done’.

Here’s how Pakistan reacted to United Nation’s decision to designate Masood Azhar as a global terrorist:

Reacting to the development, Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan held a press conference. While speaking to media in Pakistan, Dr. Mohammad Faisal said, "Pakistan has always advocated the need for respecting these technical rules and regulations and has opposed the politicization of the United Nations Sanctions Committee. However, the earlier proposals to list Masood Azhar failed to generate the requisite consensus in the Sanctions Committee as the information did not meet its technical criteria."

"These proposals were aimed at maligning Pakistan and the legitimate struggle of the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmiri for the realization of the right to self-determination and were thus rejected by Pakistan, which has always maintained that resolution of any listing issue should be by consensus, through objective dialogue and consultations, within the 1267 Committee framework and most importantly without politicization," Faizal said.

Over the last few years, many states, including Pakistan have been concerned at an increasing trend of politicization of this Committee, including attempts to include matters that are unrelated to the technical criteria, he said adding that Pakistan witnesses politically motivated attempts manifested through calculated leaks, particularly in the Indian media, about matters under discussion in the Committee, which are strictly confidential.

"The current listing proposal has been agreed after all political references, including removal of attempts to link it with Pulwama and maligning the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiris in IOK for realization of the right to self-determination," Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan said.

"Our position is in line with the statements of Prime Minister Khan who clearly stated that there is no space for any proscribed organization or its affiliates to operate from Pakistani territory, our resolve for countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and our National Action Plan," Faizal added further.

Speaking to ABP News soon after the news came into light, political-military analyst from Pakistan, Syed Tariq Pirzada claimed that Masood Azhar was already in custody and bringing such a resolution does not make any difference. “Azhar was in jail and is still there, he is ill and you have brought one more resolution against him. Prime Minster Narendra Modi is fooling the people of India and it is a shameful act by him to gain votes in the elections.”

Further defending Pakistan’s involvement in delaying the resolution to designate Azhar as global terrorist by the UN, Peerzada said that people in the UN Security Council belong only from the United States and United Kingdom and none other countries voted in the favour of designating Azhar as terrorist in the past.

“China had no options left. Especially after such a horrifying suicide attack in Sri Lanka, the focus of entire world was once against towards terrorism and in such a situation China was forced to lift its hold to the proposal,” Retired Army Officer, Major General GD Bakshi told ABP News.

“Though China tried its best to help its friendly country Pakistan, but due to a massive pressure from several countries along with United States, China had to step back,” Bakshi added.

Beijing lifting its hold is a massive diplomatic win for India, which had relentlessly pursued the matter with its international allies. There had been sustained international pressure on China, particularly from the US, to remove its objection to Azhar's listing.

An assets freeze under the Sanctions Committee requires that all states freeze without delay the funds and other financial assets or economic resources of designated individuals and entities.