New Delhi: In southeastern Norway's town centre of Kongsberg, a man armed with a bow and arrow killed 5 people and wounded two on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, the police informed news agency AFP. The police further said that they have arrested the suspect involved in the attack.

As per the AFP report, the police are still figuring out the motive behind the attack, as it adds that terrorism as a motive can not be ruled out yet.

Police official Oyvind Aas was quoted by AFP in its report as he confirmed that five people have been killed in the recent attack, and two wounded are kept under the critical care units in the hospital, however, it appears that their life is no more in danger. 

Amongst the wounded, one happened to be an off-duty police officer who was in a store during the attack.

"The man who committed this act has been arrested by the police and, according to our information, there is only one person involved," Aas was quoted by AFP in its report.

In a counter to the earlier TV reports claiming the attacker to be a Norwegian man, the police said that the suspect is a  37-year-old Danish citizen residing in Kongsberg.

"We decided to confirm this information because many rumours were circulating on social networks about the perpetrator of the attack, some [implicating] people who have no connection with these serious acts," a police statement was quoted by AFP in its report.

(With inputs from AFP)