New Delhi: In the twin terror attacks in the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, as many as 25 people, including 10 journalists are reported dead. Among those deceased, 4 police officials are also included and over 50 people are reported injured.

The suicide bombing took place in the middle of the road  in the Shash Darak area in Police District 9.

AFP's Chief Photographer Shah Marai, was also killed in the blasts with the nine other journalists.

As per the reports, the death toll is expected to rise.

Reports say the second blast had targeted a group of journalists who had rushed to the scene of the first blast. A suicide bomber detonated the first bomb on his motorcycle at 8 a.m.

Kabul Police chief Dawood Amin said the second detonation followed after about half an hour.
"Initial information suggest the second blast was also a suicide bomber, who disguised himself as a journalist having a camera in hand to access the area," Masooom Stanekzai, head of the NDS intelligence service said.

"The bomber/attacker blew himself up among journalists and civilians who had gathered near the area of the first explosion.

The attack is said to be the biggest attack on journalists in Afghanistan after the year 2001.

As per fresh reports, 11 children are killed in terror attack in Kandhar and 16 are injured.