New Delhi: A burning debate took over social media following the death of former first lady of Pakistan Kulsoom Nawaz, after actor Hamza Ali Abbasi, an avid PTI supporter, tweeted condolence for her in a 'rebuking' tone on social media which was not liked by many users.

In his condolence, Abbasi emphasised more on not sympathizing with Sharif’s family and others because former first lady’s death can be used by PML-N for political gains.

As the news of her death broke out, Abbasi wrote on Twitter “May Allah have mercy on her soul. It’s a request to please not disrespect the deceased by politically manipulating her death & giving opinions like Nawaz & Maryam should be freed because Kulsoom sahiba died etc etc. Please!”.

In a series of tweets, he reiterated his words.

“Absolutely disgusting how some people r using Kulsoom bibis death to gain sympathy for Nawaz and Maryam and trying to portray them as tragic heroes. Shameful... Utterly shameful & disgusting. May Allah have mercy on Kulsoom bibi's soul and may Allah give us some decency.”

This is not the first time Abbasi has attacked Nawaz and Maryam. He had earlier ridiculed them for using Kulsoom Nawaz’s illness to gain sympathy. He explained that he was tweeting in response to the bashing he was facing on social media.

However after his tweets he faced backlash on social media for being insensitive.