New Delhi: The military leaders of Niger warned against any armed intervention in the country, as West African leaders are set to gather for an emergency summit in Nigeria's capital on Sunday to decide on further actions to pressure the army to restore constitutional order after a coup last week, reported news agency Reuters.

The heads of state of the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the eight-member West African Economic and Monetary Union could suspend Niger from its institutions, cut off the country from the regional central bank and financial market, and close borders.

The West African leaders are focused on restoring President Mohamed Bazoum who was ousted when Gen Abdourahamane Tchiani was declared the new head of state.

Ahead of the Sunday summit, the military leaders in Niger on Saturday night warned in a statement against any military intervention, reported Reuters. Colonel Amadou Abdramane 

"The objective of the (ECOWAS) meeting is to approve a plan of aggression against Niger through an imminent military intervention in Niamey in collaboration with other African countries that are non-members of ECOWAS, and certain western countries," junta spokesman Colonel Amadou Abdramane said in a statement on state TV on Saturday night.

"We want to once more remind ECOWAS or any other adventurer, of our firm determination to defend our homeland," he said.

The junta issued a second statement on Saturday night inviting citizens in the capital to take to the streets from 7 am local time to protest against ECOWAS and show support for the new military leaders.

The military coup in Niger has been widely condemned by its neighbours and international partners who have refused to recognise the new leaders and have demanded that Bazoum be restored to power.

Bazoum has not been heard from since early Thursday when he was confined within the presidential palace, although the European Union, France and others say they still recognize him as the legitimate president.

Following an urgent meeting on Friday, the African Union released a statement urging the military to withdraw to their barracks and reinstate constitutional order within 15 days.

On Saturday, the European Union and France cut off financial support to Niger and the United States has threatened to do the same.