New Delhi: Pakistan PM-designate Imran Khan’s former wife Reham Khan falling prey to trolls is not a novelty, but the way she recently handled a woman heckling her, is earning her commendations.

A video has surfaced online where Reham Khan can be seen being heckled by a woman while Khan was doing an interview. The woman apparently nudged Khan on sensitive questions  but Khan instead of losing calm over the lady, very calmly tried to answer her.

The lady can be heard asking Reham: “Are you Jealous of Bushra Bibi, because she is the first lady of Pakistan now and you’re not?” While Reham was in the middle of her answer, the questioner attacked her with another question. This continued for some time, whenever Reham was trying to answer the questioner was interjecting, not letting her complete.

Reham politely said “You can talk to me or you can talk with me.”

The questioner went on to attack Reham for “wearing dupatta only in front of camera.” She even called her a “hypocrite”.

Pointing towards Reham’s son Sahir, who was accompanying her, the troll ask, “why you’re looking at me like you’re gonna kill me.”

Reham replies: “because he is my son and you’re being rude to his mother.”

The video was tweeted by Pakistani columnist Raza Ahmad Rumi.

In the second part of the video, Reham’s son intervenes but then both mother and son, realize that the woman is not seeking answers but is only there to attack Reham. She then ignores her and talks to her interviewer.

Twitterati lauded Reham in the comments for the way she handled the lady.