Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday afternoon announced “We are at war” while giving out his first public statement after the massive attack by the Hamas terror group, which wounded around 300 people as terrorists infiltrated several southern towns and thousands of rockets are fired at the centre and south of the country. In a video posted by him on X (formerly Twitter), Netanyahu further said Israel will win the war. He said: “The enemy will pay a price like they have never known before." His strong statements came around five hours after the start of the assault by the Gaza-based terror group. 

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Gallant has already approved the military call-up.  The media reported that Palestinian terrorists have infiltrated into Israel from the Gaza Strip.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been monitoring the situation after being informed about the matter. 

Benjamin’s announcements came just hours after terrorists in Gaza began firing dozens of rockets into Israel. In the incident, one Israeli woman was killed in the rocket attacks on Sunday morning. 

Meanwhile, Hamas leader Mohammed Deif said this was in response to "the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque." He also called on the other terrorist groups in Lebanon to join the fight. The IDG said, "There are quite a few locations in the south where terrorists are still present in the south.” Unitll Saturday noon, there were at least several towns that were controlled by terrorists.

A lot of sound of rockets in the air could be heard in Gaza and as far away as Tel Aviv, which is around  70 kilometres (40 miles) to the north. This happened during an early morning barrage that lasted more than 30 minutes. Israel's Magen David Adom rescue agency said a 70-year-old woman was left critically injured when a rocket hit a building in southern Israel.