New Delhi: Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Friday warned of a “second Nakba” catastrophe in his talks with US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken after Israel ordered over one million people to evacuate north Gaza amid the conflict with Hamas, news agency AFP reported. The warning came in the wake of the Israeli army ordering the residents of north Gaza amid indiscriminate bombing. Israeli bombings have so far killed around 1,537 Palestinians and injured another 6,612 people, the health ministry in Gaza said.

In discussions with US Secretary Blinken, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas emphasised his opposition to the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza, following Israel's directive for civilians in the enclave to relocate to the southern region.

“Abbas completely rejects the displacement of our people from the Gaza Strip, because it will be tantamount to a second Nakba for our people,” as per a statement published by Palestinian news agency Wafa.

It is to be noted that Nakba refers to around 7,60,000 Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes during the 1948 war that coincided with Israel’s formation.

The Israeli forces have launched thousands of strikes on Gaza after militant group Hamas unleashed a surprise attack on the country on Saturday.

Hamas Doesn't Stand For Palestinian People’s Legitimate Rights: Blinken Tells Prez Abbas

Blinken's meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas took place in the Jordanian capital of Amman. During the meeting, Secretary Blinken reaffirmed the US's unequivocal condemnation of the abhorrent terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas against Israel. He also outlined the United States' concerted efforts to collaborate with partners to prevent further escalation of the conflict.

The US State Department's Spokesperson, Matthew Miller, revealed that Secretary Blinken conveyed his condolences to the families of Palestinian civilian victims who have suffered in the course of this conflict. He also reiterated the firm US stance that "Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s legitimate right to dignity, freedom, justice, and self-determination".

Secretary Blinken extended his gratitude to President Abbas and his team for their efforts aimed at de-escalating the situation, recognising the importance of stability for Palestinians, Israelis, and the many Americans residing in the West Bank, as per the US State Department's statement. Blinken reaffirmed the United States' commitment to collaborating with the Palestinian leadership and people to ensure the security and well-being of all parties involved.

In a statement posted on X, Secretary Blinken wrote, "Had the opportunity to meet with Palestinian Authority President Abbas to discuss the abhorrent terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. I detailed US efforts to coordinate with partners to prevent the conflict from widening."

Hospitals In Gaza Strip At Breaking Point: WHO

The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Thursday warned that the healthcare system in the Gaza Strip is at a breaking point and it would not be able to avert a humanitarian catastrophe if fuel and life-saving health supplies are not urgently delivered to the Strip amid the complete blockade.

The hospitals are getting electricity supplies only for a few hours every day as they are having to save up the depleting fuel reserves and rely on generator to run the critical functions. However, even these operations will stop after the fuel stocks run out, WHO said, adding its impact would be devastating for the vulnerable patients, those who need lifesaving surgeries or even babies in care units and incubators.

WHO has documented 34 attacks on the healthcare facilities in Gaza since last Saturday. As many as 11 health workers on duty were killed, 16 injured, and 19 health facilities and 20 ambulances have been damaged.