Islamabad: Islamabad High court on Friday dismissed a petition seeking bar on IAF pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman's release. A Pakistani citizen on Friday had filed a petition in the Islamabad High Court to stop the imminent release of the captured Indian Air Force pilot Wing Commander Abhinanadan Varthaman, saying he committed crime against the country and should be put on trial in Pakistan.

Pakistan had detained the Indian Air Force pilot on Wednesday following a fierce engagement between air forces of the two sides along the Line of Control when his MiG 21 fighter jet was downed. The Pakistan government on Thursday decided to release him as "a first step" to open negotiations with India to de-escalate tension after a terror attack by Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed left 40 CRPF personnel dead.

The petition in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) sought the court's order to stop Prime Minister Imran Khan's government from handing over the Indian Air Force pilot. The petitioner said the Indian pilot had violated the airspace of Pakistan to bomb the country and therefore he committed crime against Pakistan and should face trial here.

The court has admitted the petition for hearing. IHC chief justice Athar Minhallah will hear the petition ahead of the Indian pilot's handing over to India.

Abhinanadan is likely to be handed over to the Indian authorities at Wagah border on Friday afternoon.

"The Indian pilot will be handed over to Indian likely around 4pm," a source in Pakistan Rangers told PTI.

Strict security measures have been taken at the Wagah border. Police and Rangers are deployed enroute to Wagah.