New Delhi: With Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government leaving no stone unturned in evacuating the stranded Indians in crisis-hit Ukraine, there are now reports suggesting that evacuation of Indian students and other foreigners will also take place via Russia.

Russian National Defense Control Center head Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev on Thursday announced that 130 Russian buses are ready to evacuate the Indian students and other foreigners from Ukraine’s Kharkiv and Sumy to Russia’s Belgorod Region, reported TASS News Agency.

Sources told ABP News that the stranded Indians will be provided food on their arrival in Russia.

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Sources added that mobile clinics have also been set up for them in Belgorod from where they can return to their country.

Sources further said that a team sent from New Delhi is waiting for the Indian students in Belgorod and Kursk.

Earlier in the day, as part of ‘Operation Ganga’ aimed at evacuating the stranded Indians in Ukraine, a special flight arrived in Mumbai from Romania carrying 185 passengers.

Air India Express Flight from Romania’s capital Bucharest reached Mumbai’s International Airport carrying 185 passengers, mainly students, who were received by Union Minister Raosaheb Patil Danve.

Besides, a special Indigo Flight carrying 219 Indian nationals from Bucharest landed in Delhi during the wee hours today.

The Indian nationals were evacuated from Ukraine and brought to Romania where they boarded the flight.

Another flight from Budapest also landed early morning today with 219 Indian evacuees from Ukraine.

Two C-17 Globemaster of the Indian Air Force (IAF) carrying 210 Indian nationals each from Bucharest and Budapest landed at the Hindan Air Base near Delhi this morning.

“OperationGanga carries on. 18 flights coming in today,” External Affairs Minister Dr S. Jaishankar tweeted earlier.