New Delhi: A data scientist of Indian origin was fired from his job after a video, wherein he shared his method of acquiring "free food" from food banks designated for students in Canada, went viral on the social media.

Mehul Prajapati, employed at TD Bank in Canada, elaborated in the video on how he manages to save "hundreds of bucks" monthly on food and groceries. He disclosed his practice of obtaining groceries at no cost from food banks established at colleges and universities by various non-profit organisations, trusts, and churches.

In the video, Prajapati exhibited his weekly food haul, showcasing a variety of items including fruits, vegetables, bread, sauces, pasta, and canned goods.

Originally shared on Instagram, the video gained traction after a user reposted it on microblogging platform X, with a post criticising him. Subsequently, a debate ensued among X users, with many expressing disapproval while others offered their support.

Taking to X, the user posted the video and captioned it, "This guy has a job as a bank data scientist for @TD_Canada, a position that averages $98,000 per year, and proudly uploaded this video showing how much “free food” he gets from charity food banks."

The user later provided an update in another a post stating, "Update: the food bank bandit was fired." The user also posted a screenshot of an email from the bank confirming that the "individual named in the video no longer works at TD".

The video, in which the man asserted his ability to save substantial amounts by availing himself of "free" food from charity banks affiliated with educational institutions, has garnered over 3,10,000 views since its circulation a day back.

The repost has incited a range of reactions from viewers.

“Food banks are often walk in. I used to regularly volunteer at my local food bank. People just come in and take what they need when the bank is open. Up until now, shame has been a guardrail for abuse. People won't come and stand in line unless they genuinely need the help. But some people don't have any shame,” a user wrote.

'Isn't this some form of felony?? Surely it shouldn't be legal to access food assistance if you are proven to be paid enough to feed yourself,” wrote another.

“His handy tip is he goes to the FOOD BANK to save himself a few bucks every month?? Does he think it's the free food goodwill store? He doesn't even know to be embarrassed!,” another X user wrote.

“The food bank is meant for the poor, not just a way for people to abuse charity,” posted another.

“Ah, this is sad. He made a mistake, but what is he going to do now that he's jobless? He probably needs this work for immigration, too. Rather shame someone than shame + unnecessary job loss,” a user came out in his support.