The United States said on Tuesday that India's ties with Russia give it the ability to urge Russian President Vladimir Putin to put an end to the “unprovoked war” in Ukraine. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre said, "We believe India's long-standing relationship with Russia gives it the ability to urge President Putin to end his brutal war, an unprovoked war in Ukraine.”

This comes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Russia visit, where he emphasised that the solution to the Ukraine conflict lay in dialogue and not on the battlefield. Pierre asserted that it is critical that all countries, including India, support efforts to realise an enduring and just peace regarding Ukraine.

Speaking about PM Modi's meeting with Russian President Putin, Jean-Pierre said, "India is a strategic partner with whom we engage in full and frank dialogue, including their relationship with Russia, and we've talked about this before. So we think it's critical that all countries, including India, support efforts to realise an enduring and just peace when it comes to Ukraine. It is important for all our allies to realise this."

"We also believe India's long-standing relationship with Russia gives it the ability to urge President Putin to end his brutal war, an unprovoked war in Ukraine. It is for President Putin to end. President Putin started the war, and he can end the war," she said.

PM Modi, during his bilateral talks with Putin, raised the issue of killings of children during conflicts and said it is "heart-wrenching" when innocent children die. The Prime Minister said that everyone who believes in humanity is hurt when there is a loss of life.