New Delhi: India and Sri Lanka have extended their cooperation in the science and technology sector for three more years. The focus will be on areas such as waste-water technologies, sustainable agriculture, aerospace engineering, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence.

A statement issued by the Union Ministry of Science And Technology said the decision was taken at the ‘India-Sri Lanka 5th Joint Committee on S&T Cooperation’ held on Thursday.

“India and Sri Lanka have a great legacy of intellectual, cultural, and religious interaction and relationship of more than 2,500 years old,” said SK Varshney, Advisor, and Head, International Cooperation, at the Department of Science and Technology (DST).

Varshney led the Indian delegation at the meeting, and was the Indian co-chair.

“Trade and investment and cooperation in education and other sectors have gone up in recent times, and in this line, cooperation in S&T (science and technology) becomes very critical,” he said.

Stating that there are a lot of opportunities for bilateral cooperation, Varshney said this platform would provide an opportunity for discussing various other facets possible for collaboration in the domain of science and technology.

“India offers fellowships like India S&T fellowship, e-ITEC and both the countries can work through a number of multilateral platforms like BIMSTEC, which they are part of,” he added.

Speaking at the gathering, Sri Lanka's Secretary, Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovations, Deepa Liyange welcomed India's cooperation in science and technology sectors and research areas to boost scientific knowledge in the country.

Liyange was the co-chair from Sri Lanka.

Deputy High Commissioner from India in Sri Lanka Vinod K Jacob said as many as 550 Sri Lankan nationals have benefitted from training in various Indian institutions in areas such as biotech, medical research and renewable energy under the e-ITEC programme, since April 2020.

“S&T is a key enabler of socio-economic and sustainable development. The tools in science will enable the world in achieving the 2030 agenda of sustainable development, and it is high time we create a conducive environment for science and technology and innovation,” said Niluka Kadurugamuwa, Deputy High Commissioner from Sri Lanka in India.