New Delhi: Opposition leaders in Pakistan hailed the historic event on Saturday as Prime Minister Imran Khan became the first premier in the country's history to be removed through a no-confidence motion.

The joint opposition - a rainbow of socialist, liberal, and radically religious parties - secured the support of 174 members in the 342-member National Assembly, more than the needed strength of 172 to oust the prime minister on a day that witnessed a lot of drama and uncertainty with multiple adjournments of the lower house.

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Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan lost a crucial trust vote in the National Assembly past midnight on Saturday, paving way for the joint opposition to form a government ahead of upcoming elections.

According to Geo News, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif assured that the joint opposition after forming the government at the Centre, will not take revenge against their political opponents.

"...we thank everyone for their sacrifices, and now, once again, a Pakistan based on Constitution and law is about to come into existence," the former Punjab chief minister told the National Assembly after the vote, as quoted by Geo News.

He spoke of healing the divided nation as he emphasised, "When the time comes, we will speak in detail, but we want to heal the wounds of the nation; we will not send innocent people to jails, and we will not take revenge".

The combined opposition has already named Shehbaz Sharif as a joint candidate for the post of Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari congratulated the nation, saying "we have made history".

"I would like to congratulate the whole nation and this House, as for the first time in the history of the country, a no-confidence motion has succeeded and we have made history," said Bilawal.

As per Geo News, former Pakistan PM Benazir Bhutto's son recalled the events associated with April 10, noting that the country approved the 1973 Constitution on this day.

"On April 10, 1986, Benazir Bhutto ended her self-imposed exile and arrived in Lahore to launch her struggle against Ziaul haq," he added.

The PPP leader then went on to say that on April 10, 2022, the person who was declared "selected” by the Opposition and became an "undemocratic burden" on the country faced the end of his rule.

"Today, on April 20, 2022, we welcome [you] back to the Purana Pakistan," Geo News quoted Bilawal as saying.

PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz Sharif welcomed the ouster of the PTI government saying, "The nightmare for my beloved Pakistan is over."

"Time to heal & repair," she wrote on Twitter.

PTI Leaders Call 'A Tragic Day For Pakistan'

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders, meanwhile, expressed their disappointment while standing by their party chief Imran Khan.

The Imran Khan-led cabinet's foreign minister and PTI leader Shah Mahmood Qureshi said, "I am proud to stand with my leader for honesty, integrity, and sincerity." 

"Sad day for Pakistan….. return of looters a good man sent home," wrote outgoing Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry.

Outgoing education minister Shafqat Mehmood called it a "tragic day for Pakistan." "An upright and fearless leader was targeted by known corrupt mafias and made to leave. No worries. Imran Khan will rise again as the people of Pakistan stand with him and PTI," he added.

National Assembly proceedings were adjourned in the early hours of Sunday and the House will meet again on April 11 at 2 pm to elect the new premier.

No prime minister in Pakistan's history was ever ousted through a no-confidence motion. Imran Khan is the first premier whose fate was decided through a trust vote.

Notably, no Pakistani prime minister has ever completed a full five-year term in office.

(With Agency Inputs)