Islamabad: In his address to the nation ahead of the much-awaited no-confidence motion in the Pakistan National Assembly, embattled Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday reiterated his stand and assured his citizens that his party would remain in power.

Imran Khan's speech came amid the Opposition's bid to topple his government with allies deserting him to join the opposition camp one after another.

"Today, I have to talk something important about the country's future," the Prime Minister said in his opening remarks.

Top Quotes From Pakistan PM Imran Khan's Address To The Nation:

1. This speech is live, not recorded. I am not from a political background. God has given me everything and I am thankful to him. Self-respect is a sign of an independent nation.

2. Pakistan is only five years older than me. I am from the first generation of country to be born after independence. My aim was justice and humanity and the third one was self-respect.

3. South Korea had come to Pakistan to learn how did we progress, Malaysian princes used to study with me in school. Middle East used to come to our universities. I've seen all this sinking, seen my country getting insulted.

4. During his address, the Prime Minister also claimed that a foreign nation sent a message to the Opposition that Imran Khan needs to be removed else Pakistan will suffer consequences.

5. When I played cricket for 20 years, the world and those who played cricket with me saw that I play till the last ball. I have never accepted defeat in life. Nobody should think that I will sit at home. I will come back stronger, whatever may the result be.

6. Khan even revealed the name of the "foreign power" that wants his ouster. The United States, he said in a "slip of the tongue" and then moved on and stated that "a foreign country" had sent a "threatening memo" which was against the Pakistani nation.

7. I am not anti-India or anti-US as I have a lot of friends in both countries. I don't have any ill intentions against anyone, I just want an independent foreign policy for Pakistan.

8. On Sunday, a no-confidence motion will be held and a decision will be taken to decide the direction of this country. I was been told that I should resign, but let me tell you, I always fight till the last ball. I want the entire nation to see on that day who sold their conscience.

9. Looted money is being used to buy off ministers and this is happening infront of the entire nation. This is a transaction of their conscience, the country and its sovereignty.

10. Last, but not the least, Khan said that despite his allies switching side, he still has 'hope'.