The Delhi Police Special Cell has arrested a man from Hyderabad, Kamran Haider, also known as Zaidi, allegedly involved in the illegal trafficking of Indian youths and compelling them to work in fraudulent call centers. The arrest occurred after a dramatic 2,500-kilometer chase, as per an officer. Following the arduous chase, Zaidi was nabbed in Hyderabad, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Manoj C informed.
Notably, Zaidi was carrying a reward of Rs 2 lakh, as declared by the National Investigation Agency.
Trafficking Indian Youths To Chinese Scam Rings
The case was initially registered at the New Friends Colony Police Station on May 27, based on a complaint from Naresh Lakhavath, news agency PTI reported. Lakhavath recounted that he was seeking employment when he stumbled upon Ali International Service, a purported consultancy firm supposedly based in New Delhi.
The firm allegedly offered him a job in Thailand and Laos, leading him to be eventually sent to Thailand. However, upon his arrival, his passport was seized, and he was compelled to work for a Chinese company that engaged in online scams targeting Indian citizens. Consequently, the case was transferred to the National Investigation Agency.
During an investigation conducted by the NIA, Manjoor Alam, Sahil, Ashish, Pawan Yadav, and Zaidi were identified as key conspirators. All five individuals were implicated in trafficking vulnerable Indian youths to the Golden Triangle Region in Laos, where they were forced to perpetrate cyber scams targeting European and American citizens, as stated by the officer, PTI reported.
Main Accused Kamran Haider Nabbed While Attempting To Flee To Another Hideout
Kamran Haider, the main accused, absconded through Ali International Services, which operated as a front. Despite all efforts, the police were unable to arrest him. He was attempting to flee to Thailand and Laos, as revealed by the DCP. After absconding, Haider continuously changed his location from one state to another. The police deployed teams in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh to apprehend him. Zaidi was located in Hyderabad, Telangana. To nab him, two separate teams of the special cell were immediately dispatched to Hyderabad.
After a relentless 2,500-kilometer chase, the team finally arrested him on December 7 near Nampally Railway Station, Hyderabad, Telangana, while he was attempting to escape to another hideout.
"Zaidi was located in Hyderabad, Telangana. Immediately two different teams of the special cell were sent to Hyderabad. He was apprehended on December 7 after a long persevering chase of 2,500 kilometres by the team without any rest. He was apprehended near Nampally Railway Station, Hyderabad, Telangana while trying to escape to another hideout," said the DCP, as per PTI.
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NIA Probe Reveals Victims Starved, Lashed, Given Electric Shocks In Laos
In September, the NIA chargesheeted Sudarshan Darade, the CEO of a Laos-based company, Long Sheng Company, in the high-profile human trafficking and cyber fraud case that involves an international nexus. Darade, arrested by the NIA in Mumbai this June, is the sixth individual named in the chargesheet.
The NIA investigation revealed that Darade’s company, based in the Bokeo province of Laos, facilitated the trafficking of Indian youths to the Golden Triangle region under the guise of job offers. The company conducted WhatsApp interviews and issued appointment letters to the unsuspecting victims. Upon arrival, the youths were forced to engage in online cryptocurrency fraud.
According to news agency IANS, investigations revealed harrowing details of the ordeal faced by victims, including being starved, confined, and lashed for refusing to comply. Some were even subjected to electric shocks if they failed to meet targets for befriending potential victims on social media.
The Indian Embassy in Laos announced on August 31 that 47 Indian nationals trapped in cyber-scam centres in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Bokeo province, had been rescued. Of these, 29 individuals were handed over by Lao authorities following a crackdown on illegal activities, while 18 directly sought assistance from the Embassy. Since the crackdown began, 635 Indian nationals have been rescued from similar situations in Laos and safely returned home.